Healthy Lifestyle

Omega-3: conversion of ALA into EPA and DHA

Omega-3: conversion of ALA into EPA and DHA

In the previous article, I wrote about the benefits of four types of omega-3: docosahexanoic acid (DHA), eicosapentanoic acid (EPA),...

Why are omega-3 fatty acids so important?

Why are omega-3 fatty acids so important?

You have probably already heard that omega-3 fatty acids are very important and that you should be including them in...

DIY: Homemade natural body cream

DIY: Homemade natural body cream

What about a special Christmas present this year? Something done by yourself? 🙂 Today, I would like to give you...

The importance of vitamin D and conscious sun exposure: Part 3

The importance of vitamin D and conscious sun exposure: Part 3

In my last two articles, I explained why vitamin D is crucial for our health and what you can do...

The importance of vitamin D and conscious sun exposure: Part 2

The importance of vitamin D and conscious sun exposure: Part 2

  In the previous article, I explained why vitamin D is crucial for us, but that in the majority of...

The importance of vitamin D and conscious sun exposure: Part 1

The importance of vitamin D and conscious sun exposure: Part 1

Vitamin D is so important to prevent and also to help overcome so many diseases. Its importance has been underestimated...

Problem solving meditation

Problem solving meditation

Last week I talked about the reasons we feel fear and worry on a regular basis and what you can...

Why do we feel fear and worry this much?

Why do we feel fear and worry this much?

  I have noticed that almost all of us do feel stress and fear every single day to different degrees....

Physical benefits of exercise

Physical benefits of exercise

Last week we have shared with you the mental benefits of physical exercise and as promised with this post we...

Benefits of physical activity on our mental health

Benefits of physical activity on our mental health

When we hear about physical activity, we usually tend to think about weight loss and much less about its benefits...